If you are a fan of Natura You should know that any of our products are 100% solidarity. What does it mean? Products that allocate its benefits to a social cause. And what better than to give solidarity this Christmas.
Discover our solidarity products in our store and here.
Open Arms
Products that help save lives. 100% of the benefits are donated to the NGO Open Arms.
Solidarity scarf
Handkerchief designed by artist Clàudia Valsells and Judit Mascó. With the purchase of this handkerchief you contribute to the research made by the Vall d'Hebron Campus against women's cancer.
Water for water
Every time you buy a bottle you are delivering directly and without 50 cents to the NGO Water for Sahel, an NGO formed by volunteers who have been building wells in Burkina Faso for 20 years.